Between March and August 2022 Adult Disability Payment (ADP) was introduced to replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP) from the Department of Work and Pensions.  Please see below for a guide to the changes.

If you are struggling and need help, with this or any other welfare issues, please reach out and we will set up a referral with our legal partners Digby Brown (this service is free to our members).

Welfare Referral

What’s changing with Disability Benefits in Scotland?

Disability Benefits are changing and will now be paid by Social Security Scotland. The
main disability benefits being changed are

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) payable to children and some adults,
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) payable to people of working age and
  • Attendance Allowance (AA) payable to people of pension age

In 2013 PIP began to replace DLA for adults. Some claimants may still be receiving DLA
while they wait to be transferred to PIP. The changes in Scotland affect those people too.

Disability Living Allowance for Children is changing to Child
Disability Payment (CDP)

Child Disability Payment, was launched by Social Security Scotland in July 2021. It replaced
Disability Living Allowance for children and, after a phased introduction, is now available to
claim throughout Scotland.

You will find information on eligibility and how to apply at

Children already on DLA will gradually be moved over to the new benefit by Social Security
Scotland without having to apply.

Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance has changed to Adult Disability Payment (ADP)

Like PIP and DLA, the new benefit is for people with a disability, a long-term illness or a physical or mental health condition who need help with daily living activities and/or mobility. Adult Disability Payment was introduced in four phases by local authority area before becoming available to all new claimants in Scotland from 29th August 2022.


What are the differences between PIP/DLA and ADP?

  • Applications for ADP will be made to Social Security Scotland instead of the
    Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
  • For the time being, the eligibility criteria and rates of payment will remain the same as
    for PIP but the Scottish Government state that they keep this under review. 

  • The removal of routine face to face assessments. Social Security Scotland will make 
    decisions about entitlement for ADP using the applicant’s account of their
    circumstances and existing supporting information. This means they will only ask
    someone to undertake a face-to-face assessment when it is the only practicable way
    to make a decision.
  • The introduction of indefinite awards. Disabled people on the highest components of
    the new benefit and whose needs are highly unlikely to change will be eligible for an
    “indefinite award”. In effect, this will mean they will not be subject to reviews and can
    rely on their new benefit into the long-term

Will I still be able to swap all or part of my mobility payment for the
Motability Scheme?

People who get the highest rate of the mobility component of ADP will be able to transfer
either the whole or part of the money they get for the mobility component to access the new
Scottish scheme – the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme.

This new scheme will provide a service similar to the current Motability scheme, with a range
of cars, wheelchair accessible vehicles, scooters and powered wheelchairs on affordable
leasing terms, with a range of adaptations at little or no cost. The authorised provider is
Motability Operations Ltd.

Clients who have an existing Motability lease will be able to retain their vehicle until the end
of that lease.

You will find information on eligibility and how to apply for ADP at

People already on PIP or DLA are gradually being moved over to ADP by Social Security Scotland without having to apply. Over 147,000 people in Scotland are now on ADP. There are 254,000 existing PIP cases to transfer which Social Security Scotland aims to do by the end of 2025.

You will be contacted by Social Security Scotland detailing how the transfer will work, depending on your circumstances. Further information can be found here -

Attendance Allowance to Pension Age Disability Payment

Pension Age Disability Payment will eventually replace Attendance Allowance for pensioners in Scotland. The new benefit will support older people who have a disability that means they need assistance with looking after themselves, or supervision to keep them safe.

On 21 October 2024 Social Security Scotland will launch a pilot scheme in Argyll & Bute, Highland, Aberdeen City, Orkney and Shetland allowing pensioners to make a new claim for PADP.

The benefit will become available in 13 more local authority areas on 24 March next year before becoming available across Scotland by 22 April 2025.  

Currently over 150,000 people get Attendance Allowance from the Department of Work and Pensions. They do not need to take any action as their awards will be automatically moved from the DWP to Social Security Scotland. This will happen in phases from early 2025.

Douglas McAndrew 
Welfare Rights
Digby Brown Solicitors.

June 2024