Freephone: 0800 0132 305

Our Freephone line is an extension of our Peer Support service and offers information to new and long term spinal cord injured, their families and friends.
Alternatively if you are phoning from a mobile phone you may be better using the local number: 0141 427 7686

What happens when YOU call?

You can discuss your situation and be offered information.
You can get information on other agencies which may be able to help.
You can be referred to our Legal and Welfare Rights service.
Your call will be in confidence and does not have to result in any further action being taken.
If we cannot answer an enquiry ourselves we will give you the name and number of the appropriate organisation who can help.

When is the Information Line available?

The Information Line routinely 9.30 am- 1.00pm hours and 1.30 pm – 5pm. If you call outside of these times then please leave a message and a member of staff will contact you as soon as practicable.