The Government is gradually replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) with Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for disabled people aged between 16 and 64. People who are awarded the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of PIP will qualify for the Motability scheme in exactly the same way as they did with DLA. However, because PIP is a new benefit with different criteria to DLA, some disabled customers may not qualify for mobility support, or may do so at a lower level, meaning they are no longer eligible to use the Motability scheme through no change in their own circumstances.

A one-off transitional package of support and advice regarding alternative mobility arrangements has been made available to assist those customers who have to leave the scheme as a result of being reassessed for PIP.

Below you will find some commonly asked questions about what happens if you find you are no longer eligible for the Motability scheme.

What happens if I am not entitled to the Enhanced rate of PIP?

DWP will write to you and to the Motability scheme to advise that you are no longer eligible for the scheme.
You may be entitled to help from the Motability transitional support package though.

What will happen to my car and what are the timescales?

DWP will continue to pay your existing level of DLA for four weeks after their decision that you do not qualify for the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of PIP. Motability will write to you with details of how to return your vehicle. You will be able to keep the car for a maximum of 21 days after the DLA payments stop. It is very important that the car is returned within 21 days of the DLA payments stopping or you will not qualify for the one-off transitional support package.

What is the transitional support package? How much financial support can I expect as a car customer?

If you first became a Motability scheme customer before January 2013 and return the car to the dealership in good condition and within 21 days of the DLA payments stopping, you will be eligible for a one-off £2,000 transitional support package.
If you first became a Motability scheme customer in 2013, or you rejoined the scheme during this period following at least a one year break, and return the car to the dealership in good condition and within 21 days of the DLA payments stopping, you will be eligible for a one-off £1,000 transitional support package. The reduced amount is because information on the Government’s plans for PIP has been publicly available since 2013. If you became a customer after January 2014, or you rejoined the Scheme during this period following at least a one year break, you will not be eligible for transitional support or payments. However, if you return the car to the dealership in good condition and within 21 days of the DLA payments stopping you will be eligible for the standard £250 which is line with the Motability general policy for ending your contract early.

Am I able to buy my current car, and if so, how much will it cost?

It is possible to buy the car. Motability will provide you with a quote. The transitional support package that you would otherwise have received when returning the vehicle, will be taken off the cost of buying the car. If I apply for PIP in the future and am
successful, will I need to pay this money back? As it is a one-off support package to help with the transition from the scheme you will not need to pay this back if you are later awarded PIP. However, if you decide to rejoin the scheme within six months of receiving the transitional support package, you will need to speak to Motability to discuss your options.

Further detailed information can be found at: