Face to Face Coffee Meets

Once a month our outreach Peer Support Advisors host coffee meets at venues all of Scotland.

The purpose of these get togethers is to bring members and their families together in an informal setting. They help create a community of spinally injured folk that have a safe space to chat and share their experiences, ask advice or simply to have a coffee and a laugh!

The feedback we have received to the re-introduction of our face-to-face meets, post Covid, has been overwhelmingly positive. The chance to get out and meet people experiencing similar issues has been invaluable.

“It’s lovely to meet with people who understand your struggles but can also talk about things they have found helpful, recommend places they’ve been to, and have a good chat.” Kalpa, Aberdeen.

Please RSVP to the Peer Support Advisor for your area if you are interested in attending. Details below.


2024 Meets:


Please contact the Peer Support Advisor for your area to let them know you are coming.

  • ABERDEEN & DUNDEE: Peer Support Advisor:

Stuart McMillan Contact: E: [email protected]

TEL: 07494 205861


  • BORDERS: Peer Support Advisor:

Letitia Fyfe  Contact: E: [email protected]

TEL: 07494 477420

  • EDINBURGH & FIFE: Peer Support Advisor:

Stuart McMillan Contact: E: [email protected]

TEL: 07494 205861


  • DUMFRIES: Peer Support Advisor:

Mary Bell Contact: E: [email protected]


  • GLASGOW: Peer Support Advisor:

Laura Torrance Contact: E: [email protected]


  • INVERNESS: Peer Support Advisor:

Greg Faryno Contact: E: [email protected]

TEL: 07957 221 885