This year's International Nurses Day was a remarkable celebration. We received an overwhelming number of nominations, each highlighting the dedication, compassion, and expertise of our nursing staff. We were thrilled to surprise a few of these outstanding individuals and teams who exemplify the spirit of nursing.

The Prestonpans District Nurse Team have made a profound difference in the lives of so many in their local community. We surprised them during a team meeting! Presenting their nomination was our CEO Maureen Morrison. The joy and pride on their faces were truly heartwarming.


Harriet Bell-Scott has been an inspiration to colleagues and patients alike. Known for her unwavering commitment and gentle approach, Harriet was taken aback when her colleague and our own Richard Copeland surprised her!


We had a special shout-out to Aaran Bissell, whose outstanding work was recognised with a nomination, presented by Laura Torrance at Horatio's Garden, QENSIU.

Aaran thank you, for your dedication and compassion. You make a real difference every day!

Rachel McMahon, a shining example of dedication and compassion in the field of nursing! Rachel received her acknowledgment from our Richard Copeland

Susan Shearer’s contributions have been extraordinary. Our Peer Support Officer Mary Bell surprised Susan and presented her with her nomination. Susan's empathetic approach and relentless advocacy have made a profound impact.

We are thrilled to highlight Seonag McDonald as she receive her well-deserved certificate from Richard! Seonag's commitment to nursing nursing and patient care is truly commendable. Her passion and dedication inspire us all.

We are delighted to meet Lani Macrae who graciously accepted her nomination for outstanding dedication. Her nomination was presented by our Peer Support Officers, Emma and Greg, alongside our valued member, Bridget, who initially nominated her.

Congratulations, Lani, on this well-deserved recognition!

Special Mention for Aimee Brown from Newbyres Medical Centre, Midlothian, who was also nominated, for her patience and dedication.

"She has tended my septic leg and my various wounds which have proven to be reluctant to heal without her medical interventions. She is always sunny and bright and very professional."

Stuart, Gorebridge, T6/T7 Complete

We hope to meet Aimee soon to present her with her nominations in person, recognising her incredible contributions.

To every nurse who goes above and beyond every single day, we celebrate you and thank you for your dedication and compassion.