We would like to thank our members for writing in and nominating their chosen nurse for 2023’s International Nurse’s Day appeal.

Most of our members will have become more than familiar with the amazing support that our nurses provide, often at the darkest moments of the patient’s lives.

This is a special day that aims to share the incredible achievements and wonderful stories about how nurses all over Scotland have made a big difference in their patients' lives that truly demonstrate the #BestOfNursing.

Though only a small token, we want to help recognize the work that these amazing guys and gals do and give our members an opportunity to share their thanks to our NHS heroes. We also know, directly from the nurses themselves, how much this means to them. There’s barely been a dry eye in the house when we’ve popped to surprise them and let them know they’ve been nominated by one of their patients.


Laura presenting Mary Hannah with her much deserved award

"Mary Hannah was like my 2nd mum. I was so young when I had my injury and she made me feel safe. Nothing was ever a bother."

Laura - Complete T6 - Glasgow

Laurie Duffy receives the rewards of her nomination

“I spent 5 months in the Queen Elizabeth in 2019 to 2020 and am grateful for this opportunity to put on record my eternal thanks to ALL the magnificent staff I encountered therein. However every crew requires a Captain and Laurie Duffy is the captain of the Queen Elizabeth. Always there to coax, cajole, encourage AND EVEN THREATEN. She was ever fair, firm and totally respected by all her colleagues. An everlasting memory of her (which despite ongoing Therapy) I cannot erase was her demonstrating to me how to wipe my nether regions! My eyes are still watering. Laurie Aw ra best aw ra time.”  John – Incomplete C2 - Prestwick

Nurse Angelika Otolinska received 2 nominations, here she is presented with flowers by volunteer Ian Rosie

"During my 3 month stay at Woodend Neurological Rehab centre in Aberdeen, I was cared for by a great team of nurses. The entire nursing team not only provided basic care but often went over and above to help and support the many needs that us as patients required.  Unfortunately this makes choosing one, particularly difficult. As this is to nominate one nurse, I would choose Angelika Otolinska who seemed so determined to help, and would persevere to get solutions and answers to any issues I was having.  Even 4 months after release, she’s still following up, and checks that everything is going well with my recovery/rehab. 

This leaves me feeling a little disloyal to the other wonderful nurses at Woodend as so many of them went over and above to help me though a very dark time in my life.  I will be forever grateful for their dedication, kindness and professionalism they displayed during my time in Aberdeen." Malcolm – Incomplete L3, L4 – Aberdeen

"I would like to nominate Angelika Otolinska from Aberdeen's Woodend Neuro Rehab Unit for International Nurse Day

I was in hospital from November last year until March this year after a back operation to remove a ruptured disc between L1 and L2

In that time all the nurses I met were simply amazing doing their job with care and compassion, way above the normal call of duty

It is so hard to pick out any one nurse for this award but I found Angelika to be exceptional.

As I was paralysed from the waist down I had issues with my bladder and bowel control which I found difficult to cope with mentally.

Angelika was in charge of getting me onto a bladder and bowel management regime.

I didn't know if she had a special title so I called her my "Piddleologist" which she found quite funny.

She helped me get comfortable with self catheterising and getting some control of my bowel with great sensitivity and understanding of how I was coping with it

For this dedication and sympathetic handling of my situation I feel she thoroughly deserves this award." James – Incomplete L1, L2Cauda Equina – Aberdeen

Unfortunately, we were unable to grab Harriett Bell Scott for a photo, but Laura will pass on these treats asap

“Id love to nominate Harriett Bell Scott ward 66 Neurology Dept, at the QEUH Glasgow, I went into that ward after emergency surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome and i was like a deer in the headlights totally unsure of what was happening to me, seeing all the consultants at the bottom of my bed that 1st morning on the rounds, talking about something i had no clue about, and Harriet must have seen the size of my eyes the fear and anxiety, and she hung back and said don't worry il be back after the rounds, and from that 1st day she explained absolutely everything to me in terms i understood, she taught me how to intermittent catheterise, she got me loads of help I really don't know how I would have coped the 2 weeks I was in the ward without her, and for the past year she has been so caring and supportive.

She is just such a lovely nurse who totally deserves an award, she has a heart of gold, and i'm so grateful I was under her care during the worst time of my life.” Adele - Incomplete L4, L5 Cauda Equina Syndrome - Glasgow