Horatio's Garden 'Best in Show' at the 2023 Chelsea Flower Show
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Horatio's Garden on being awarded the coveted 'Best in Show' title at the 2023 Chelsea Flower Show.
We are over the moon for you guys. Horatio's Garden is such an important part of the QENSIU here in Glasgow.
The gardens are sanctuaries for people facing life-changing injuries and offer invaluable space for reflection away from the hospital wards.
The Main Avenue garden at the show is designed by Charlotte Harris and Hugo Bugg of the award-winning Harris Bugg Studio and is funded by Project Giving Back

This is the first garden at Chelsea designed with the requirements of people with mobility needs at its heart. An immersive, restorative haven, the garden distils the key elements that people value in Horatio’s Garden as they adapt to a new way of living.

The garden is Horatio's eighth, and will be installed at the Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre at the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield.

